257 Years Before Betrayal
image Stepping through the portal to 257 years Before Betrayal lands you in the midst of a largish faire. The sweet breath of a spring day caresses your cheek causing you to throw off unnecessary layers of clothing while lifting your face to the gentle warmth of the noon-day sun.

Bright tents lay scattered in reckless abandonment upon the trampled grass. Variegated shades of pink confetti lie amply sprinkled across the field, but upon closer examination you realize you are in fact walking upon countless numbers of flower petals. Your senses are tantalized with a blur of activities: Colorful Flags create a rustling flap on the languid breeze, while the strains of a romantic ballad competes with the festive tune of dancing jig; all against a constant backdrop of cheerful voices. Crushed flower petals, exotic perfume, spices, roasted meat, and dust tickle your nose. About you the people of Llayentia exchange joyful hugs, kisses, and arm clasps.

Walking towards you is a lovely lass with nothing less than wings. Yes large—scrape the ground with their massive length, no less—wings. Her face bears a cheerful grin as she drops into the scant vestiges of a peasant's curtsey. “Welcome ta tha Freni-Kyn New Year Faire,” her melodic voice rings out as startling turquoise eyes search your face. “First time ‘ere? No need ta answer, I ken tell by tha outland clothing… Earthling too, by tha looks. I’ll be a glidarth ifn’ ye be wondern, an most earth folks do be. Well, no worries. I’m yer appointed tour guide.”


Kyron's Worlde
image “Ahh, I see yer eyes be drawn ta tha large tent off ta tha roight. That’ll be His tent. Ye know, tha big guy. Kyron. Everything ye find there concerns ‘is world an ‘is people. See those seven flags on tha corners? Those’ll be fer tha seven races o’ ‘is world.” She pauses as though waiting for a comment, then, when none is forthcoming moves on.

“Lovely aiy? Tis a great place ta start. Give ye tha lay o’ tha land, so ta speak. I ‘ear tell there be books there wat speaks o’ tha future.” She shakes her head causing golden ringlets of hair to glitter in the early evening air. “Now we all know only tha Seven Seers ken do tha lyks o’ that, an them only fer one year at a time. Who’d want ta know more? In any case, tis a good place ta visit, ifn’ yer lookn’ fer a good bardic tale or two.”

“But before ye go wandern’ off let me tell ye a wee bit more. I’fn ye look straight north or south…” she abruptly grasps your head and pushes it up then down, “there ye’ll be a findn’ tha sign posts ta all tha different tents. Each tent ‘as a different shop. Meself? No I donnae kin sellin’ things. Tis a big enough job showin’ about wat new folks as comes roun’.”


T.N.T Dolls
image “What be ye lookn’ fer? ‘Ow bout a nice doll fer yer shelf? So’s ye remember tha treat o’ bein’ at tha faire? Ye ken fynd them at T.N.T Dolls. That’ll be named after tha Lady Tyifhany. Strange name fer a doll place don’ ye think? But, then again, they aren’t really dolls. Ye kinnae play wit them. They be jes fer lookin’ at. Décor, I think they call it in yer lans. She be makin’ one fer each race, an’ some as she says be important; Kyra an’ Tahrek.” The glidarth woman shrugs her shoulders before continuing, “Common enough names fer tha lands, but never did ‘ear o’ sumun by those names bein’ important.”


Lady Kairun's Art: The Art of Kyron’s Worlde
image “Ah I see yer eye driftn’ ta tha fancy booth. That’ll be tha Lady Kairun’s booth. Goes by K. Swaty in such lans as ye be frum. She be makin some bonny pieces of art in thare. More décor fer yer ‘ome. An I ‘ear tell she ken put ‘er designs on jes about anything. Even mugs an such.” She leans in close and whispers, “They even say she worked on some o’ tha special stuff fer tha’ Kyron’s World tent off yonder. Signs fer Foretold. Now I’ll not be a known’ wat Foretold is, but ‘er work be mighty lovely. I’m fair on sure tis true she be a makn’ tha stuff fer Kyron too. ‘As that same flair ta it as be in ‘er things. Tha ladys got ta be a design genius. Lest ways that be me thinkn' on it.”


B'bahrrey's 7 Ragen' Races an’ Poisonous Potions
image She links her elbow with you and walks farther down the road, “I bet by now yer thirstin’ fer a nice long drink. Ye ken find tha lyks o’ such ‘ere at B'bahrrey's Beauteous Brael Barrel. Now donnae be lookn at me lyk tha’. I know the booth sign be sayn’ B'bahrrey's Seven Rageful Races an’ other Poisonous Potions but tha’ be a wee bit dramatic, don ye think? An dark too. I be a lyken’ my name better. Got a petition out ta ‘ave tha name changed roiyte ‘ere. Sign it ifn’ ye loiyke. No?” Her eyebrows furrow into a glower for a brief moment but the storm, as suddenly as it arrived, dissipates. She seems to have forgotten the tattered parchment containing only two signatures in her hand.

“In any case ye ken ‘ave a drink strong enough ta wilt yer wings ‘ere, or sweet enough ta woo…” her eyes slant sideways towards you. “’Ell then, les jes not go there roiyte now. I’m not sure yer old enough fer tha' koiynd o’ talk. One other thing, ifn’ ye visit there don let Barry’s scowl frightn’ ye off. ‘E’s as gentle as a dove. Okay, maybe I’m stretchn’ things a wee bit, but I’ve never ‘eard o’ ‘im skinning anyone…yet.”


J. Garman's Jeweled Delights
image “From there let me recommend tha magical devices of tha Lord Jim Garman. ‘E an tha misses keep a foiyn shop. Filled wit all manner of mystical whatzits and whing-a-ma-bobs. What’s a whing-a-ma-bob? Tha’ be what ye got ‘ere through, silly earthling. Tis magic roiyte? That’ll be ‘is specialty, I’m a thinkn’. Now I know sum o’ it be mechanical but still be some nice bit’s o’ whizzits. I ‘ear ‘es got a penchant fer gems an’ jewels an’ stuff. In fact…ifn’ it nay be ‘aven a fancy gem on it, than I’ll be question’ if tis really made by tha Lord Garman…tis ‘is signature after all.”


N&C's Compuquins and other Mods
image “Now this ‘ere be tha tent o’ Lady Crystahl an’ Lord N’thahnael. They ‘ave people in thar. Not real uns, but uns such as I never did see tha loiyks o’. Calls ‘em Compu-quins. Say they ken work on a document, chat wit a frynd, an blaze a trail through places loiyk WOW, Everquest, an’ D&D Online at tha’ same toiyme. Now I’ll not be pretendn’ ta know what they be talkn’ ‘bout, but it do sound intriguin’. Don’ it now? I’ve seen all seven races in thar…all wit’ long ‘lectric wires runin’ from ‘em. Strange soiyte, I must say, but they do seem powerful intelligent.

Now I ‘ave ta tell ye this. I donnae know ifn’ ye should trust ‘em. They be tellin me tha people nay be magic, but I’ve seen those folks touch a button an’ bring a creature ta life, jes lyke tha’,” she snaps her fingers then nods emphatically. “Now tha’ be magic, ifn’ ye be askn’ me. An they even ‘as boxes as tha’ ken be makn’ a magic picture, an’ sounds too.”


Lady Cohn’stonce's Freefall Flags
image “I ken see yer eyes keep return’ ta tha flags. ‘Ard ta miss I suppose, bein’ they be every which place. Those be tha work o’ one Lady Cohn’stonce. She makes a charm’n flag. All shapes an’ sizes too. Let me show ye somethin’.” She pulls a flag free from a nearby tent and waves it about in a mind boggling and dizzying manner without even once tangling it’s long length. After a while she stops and tucks it back into it’s holder while catching her breath. “Notice it dinnae tangle up? That’ll be ‘er magic device. She makes ‘em special, that she does, so’s they donnae get all wrapped about tha center. Tha’ll be why tha Freni-kyn dancers ‘ave only ‘er flags. In fact they be tha Freni-Kyn Unity Faire’s official flag. All tha tents ‘er ‘ave em. Don’ they be jes’ lovely? So festive, an’ ‘appy, an all…”


Red Pelican Trading Post
image “An last but not least, we ‘ave ‘ere tha Red Pelican Trading Post. Notice tha color o’ tha tent walls. They be black, lyke tha exquisite metal nighshk. An I ‘ave ta tell ye ‘e ken afford it too, ben’ tha brother ta tha King. Which one? Don ye know yer ‘istory?” She lets out a disdainful snort. “’Ell than, ye be needn’ ta do some learn’ at tha Kyron’s World tent. Tha’s fer sure. Anyhow, ‘es got more’n two nighshk rings ta rub tagether ifn’ ye take me mean’n. This fyne establishment works cross tha lan’ of Llantia ta see tha goods go wherever they be a wantn’ ‘em. Course they sell a fair mount o’ Pelican stuff in there. Strange stuff too, be my thoughts on tha stuff.”


Happy Travels
image “Well then. That be tha ropes o’ foiyndn’ yer ways bout. Remember tha sign post. North an’ South. Ye ken always foiynd yer way home from there. May tha wind be ever at yer back an' a cool glass o' wine in yer 'and.
